Practical Reverse Engineering Solutions – Page 123 (Part III)
my go at exercises 4 and 5 on pages 123ff- Exercise 4
- Problem Statement
- ► AlpcpFlushResourcesPort
- ► CcDeleteMbcb
- ► CcGetVacbMiss
- ► CmpLazyCommitWorker
- ► ExAllocatePoolWithTag
- ► IopInitializeBootDrivers
- ► FsRtlNotifyCompleteIrpList
- ► KiProcessDisconnectList
- ► PnpDeviceQueueGetCompletedRequest
- ► RtlEmptyAtomTable
- ► RtlDestroyAtomTable
- ► RtlpFreeAllAtom
- Exercise 5
- Problem Statement
- ► BootApplicationPersistentDataProcess
- ► CmpCallCallBacks
- ► CmpDelayCloseWorker
- ► ObpCallPostOperationCallbacks
- ► RaspAddCacheEntry
This blog post presents my solution to exercises 4 and 5 on page 123 from the book Practical Reverse Engineering by Bruce Dang, Alexandre Gazet and Elias Bachaalany (ISBN: 1118787315). The book is my first contact with reverse engineering, so take my statements with a grain of salt. All code snippets are on GitHub. For an overview of my solutions consult this progress page.
I’m removing the raw instruction in hex to save space. I’m also not showing the upper 32 bits of the addresses. Check my GitHub page for the complete listings.
Exercise 4
Problem Statement
Repeat the previous exercise for
in the following routines:AlpcpFlushResourcesPort.asm
► AlpcpFlushResourcesPort
The following lines are RemoveHeadList
nt!AlpcpFlushResourcesPort+0x33: d9cecf03 mov rsi,qword ptr [r14] d9cecf06 cmp rsi,r14 d9cecf09 jne nt!AlpcpFlushResourcesPort+0x5f (fffff803`d9cecf2f) nt!AlpcpFlushResourcesPort+0x3b: d9cecf0b lock xadd qword ptr [rdi],rbx d9cecf10 test bl,2 d9cecf13 jne nt! ?? ::NNGAKEGL::`string`+0x337cd (fffff803`d9e7cf45) nt!AlpcpFlushResourcesPort+0x49: d9cecf19 mov rbx,qword ptr [rsp+30h] d9cecf1e mov rsi,qword ptr [rsp+38h] d9cecf23 mov rdi,qword ptr [rsp+40h] d9cecf28 add rsp,20h d9cecf2c pop r14 d9cecf2e ret nt!AlpcpFlushResourcesPort+0x5f: d9cecf2f mov rax,qword ptr [rsi] d9cecf32 cmp qword ptr [rsi+8],r14 d9cecf36 jne nt! ?? ::NNGAKEGL::`string`+0x337c6 (fffff803`d9e7cf3e) nt!AlpcpFlushResourcesPort+0x6c: d9cecf3c cmp qword ptr [rax+8],rsi d9cecf40 jne nt! ?? ::NNGAKEGL::`string`+0x337c6 (fffff803`d9e7cf3e) nt!AlpcpFlushResourcesPort+0x76: d9cecf46 mov qword ptr [r14],rax d9cecf49 mov qword ptr [rax+8],r14
This illustration shows the three list elements and where the links are set or referenced:
► CcDeleteMbcb
The following lines are RemoveHeadList
d998758d mov rdi,qword ptr [r15] d9987590 cmp rdi,r15 d9987593 je nt!CcDeleteMbcb+0x1aa (fffff803`d9987602) nt!CcDeleteMbcb+0x13d: d9987595 mov rcx,qword ptr [rdi] d9987598 mov rax,qword ptr [rdi+8] d998759c cmp qword ptr [rcx+8],rdi d99875a0 jne nt!CcDeleteMbcb+0x26c (fffff803`d99876c4) nt!CcDeleteMbcb+0x14e: d99875a6 cmp qword ptr [rax],rdi d99875a9 jne nt!CcDeleteMbcb+0x26c (fffff803`d99876c4) nt!CcDeleteMbcb+0x157: d99875af mov qword ptr [rax],rcx d99875b2 mov qword ptr [rcx+8],rax
This illustration shows the three list elements and where the links are set or referenced:
► CcGetVacbMiss
The following lines are RemoveHeadList
nt!CcGetVacbMiss+0x267: fffff803`d9966c87 488b55d8 mov rdx,qword ptr [rbp-28h] fffff803`d9966c8b 488d45d8 lea rax,[rbp-28h] fffff803`d9966c8f 483bd0 cmp rdx,rax fffff803`d9966c92 7531 jne nt!CcGetVacbMiss+0x2a5 (fffff803`d9966cc5) ... nt!CcGetVacbMiss+0x2a5: fffff803`d9966cc5 488b02 mov rax,qword ptr [rdx] fffff803`d9966cc8 488d4dd8 lea rcx,[rbp-28h] fffff803`d9966ccc 48394a08 cmp qword ptr [rdx+8],rcx fffff803`d9966cd0 0f854dec0e00 jne nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string`+0x5e69 (fffff803`d9a55923) nt!CcGetVacbMiss+0x2b6: fffff803`d9966cd6 48395008 cmp qword ptr [rax+8],rdx fffff803`d9966cda 0f8543ec0e00 jne nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string`+0x5e69 (fffff803`d9a55923) nt!CcGetVacbMiss+0x2c0: fffff803`d9966ce0 488945d8 mov qword ptr [rbp-28h],rax fffff803`d9966ce4 488d4dd8 lea rcx,[rbp-28h] fffff803`d9966ce8 48894808 mov qword ptr [rax+8],rcx
This illustration shows the three list elements and where the links are set or referenced:
► CmpLazyCommitWorker
The following lines are RemoveHeadList
d9dbd081 lea r15,[nt!CmpLazyCommitListHead (fffff803`d9b6d6e0)] nt!CmpLazyCommitWorker+0x108: d9dbd088 mov rax,qword ptr gs:[188h] d9dbd091 dec word ptr [rax+1E4h] d9dbd098 mov rbx,qword ptr gs:[188h] d9dbd0a1 lock btr dword ptr [r14],0 d9dbd0a7 jb nt!CmpLazyCommitWorker+0x131 (fffff803`d9dbd0b1) nt!CmpLazyCommitWorker+0x129: d9dbd0a9 mov rcx,r14 d9dbd0ac call nt!ExpAcquireFastMutexContended (fffff803`d9987a20) nt!CmpLazyCommitWorker+0x131: d9dbd0b1 mov qword ptr [nt!CmpTransactionListLock+0x8 (fffff803`d9b6d688)],rbx d9dbd0b8 mov rbx,qword ptr [nt!CmpLazyCommitListHead (fffff803`d9b6d6e0)] d9dbd0bf mov rax,qword ptr [rbx] d9dbd0c2 cmp qword ptr [rbx+8],r15 d9dbd0c6 jne nt!CmpLazyCommitWorker+0x458 (fffff803`d9dbd3d8) nt!CmpLazyCommitWorker+0x14c: d9dbd0cc cmp qword ptr [rax+8],rbx d9dbd0d0 jne nt!CmpLazyCommitWorker+0x458 (fffff803`d9dbd3d8) nt!CmpLazyCommitWorker+0x156: d9dbd0d6 mov qword ptr [nt!CmpLazyCommitListHead (fffff803`d9b6d6e0)],rax d9dbd0dd mov qword ptr [rax+8],r15
This illustration shows the three list elements and where the links are set or referenced:
► ExAllocatePoolWithTag
The following lines are RemoveHeadList
d9af6444 mov r8,qword ptr [rbx] d9af6447 mov rax,qword ptr [r8] d9af644a mov r9,qword ptr [rax+8] d9af644e cmp r9,r8 d9af6451 jne nt!ExFreePool+0x3d3 (fffff803`d9af8523) nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag+0x44f: d9af6457 mov rax,qword ptr [r8+8] d9af645b cmp qword ptr [rax],r8 d9af645e jne nt!ExFreePool+0x3d3 (fffff803`d9af8523) nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag+0x45c: d9af6464 mov rax,qword ptr [r8] d9af6467 cmp qword ptr [r8+8],rbx d9af646b jne nt!ExFreePool+0x3cc (fffff803`d9af851c) nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag+0x469: d9af6471 cmp qword ptr [rax+8],r8 d9af6475 jne nt!ExFreePool+0x3cc (fffff803`d9af851c) nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag+0x473: d9af647b mov r12d,dword ptr [rsp+0D0h] d9af6483 mov qword ptr [rbx],rax d9af6486 mov qword ptr [rax+8],rbx
This illustration shows the three list elements and where the links are set or referenced:
► IopInitializeBootDrivers
Could not get the disassembly for this one: Flow analysis was incomplete, some code may be missing
► FsRtlNotifyCompleteIrpList
The following lines are RemoveHeadList
d9c609a9 mov rax,qword ptr [rbx] d9c609ac mov rcx,qword ptr [rbx] d9c609af mov rdx,qword ptr [rax] d9c609b2 sub rcx,0A8h d9c609b9 cmp qword ptr [rax+8],rbx d9c609bd jne nt!FsRtlNotifyCompleteIrpList+0x92 (fffff803`d9c60a0a) nt!FsRtlNotifyCompleteIrpList+0x47: d9c609bf cmp qword ptr [rdx+8],rax d9c609c3 jne nt!FsRtlNotifyCompleteIrpList+0x92 (fffff803`d9c60a0a) nt!FsRtlNotifyCompleteIrpList+0x4d: d9c609c5 mov qword ptr [rbx],rdx d9c609c8 mov qword ptr [rdx+8],rbx
This illustration shows the three list elements and where the links are set or referenced:
► KiProcessDisconnectList
The following lines are RemoveHeadList
d9a05621 mov rax,qword ptr [rbx] d9a05624 cmp rax,rbx d9a05627 je nt!KiProcessDisconnectList+0x46 (fffff803`d9a0565e) nt!KiProcessDisconnectList+0x11: d9a05629 mov rcx,qword ptr [rax] d9a0562c cmp qword ptr [rax+8],rbx d9a05630 jne nt!KiProcessDisconnectList+0x3f (fffff803`d9a05657) nt!KiProcessDisconnectList+0x1a: d9a05632 cmp qword ptr [rcx+8],rax d9a05636 jne nt!KiProcessDisconnectList+0x3f (fffff803`d9a05657) nt!KiProcessDisconnectList+0x20: d9a05638 mov qword ptr [rbx],rcx d9a0563b mov qword ptr [rcx+8],rbx
This illustration shows the three list elements and where the links are set or referenced:
► PnpDeviceQueueGetCompletedRequest
The following lines are RemoveHeadList
nt!PnpDeviceCompletionQueueGetCompletedRequest+0x49: fffff803`d989f0c9 488b1de8f42b00 mov rbx,qword ptr [nt!PnpDeviceCompletionQueue+0x18 (fffff803`d9b5e5b8)] fffff803`d989f0d0 488d0de1f42b00 lea rcx,[nt!PnpDeviceCompletionQueue+0x18 (fffff803`d9b5e5b8)] fffff803`d989f0d7 488b03 mov rax,qword ptr [rbx] fffff803`d989f0da 48394b08 cmp qword ptr [rbx+8],rcx fffff803`d989f0de 755c jne nt!PnpDeviceCompletionQueueGetCompletedRequest+0xbc (fffff803`d989f13c) nt!PnpDeviceCompletionQueueGetCompletedRequest+0x60: fffff803`d989f0e0 48395808 cmp qword ptr [rax+8],rbx fffff803`d989f0e4 7556 jne nt!PnpDeviceCompletionQueueGetCompletedRequest+0xbc (fffff803`d989f13c) nt!PnpDeviceCompletionQueueGetCompletedRequest+0x66: fffff803`d989f0e6 488905cbf42b00 mov qword ptr [nt!PnpDeviceCompletionQueue+0x18 (fffff803`d9b5e5b8)],rax fffff803`d989f0ed 48894808 mov qword ptr [rax+8],rcx
This illustration shows the three list elements and where the links are set or referenced:
► RtlEmptyAtomTable
The following lines are RemoveHeadList
d9e0e711 mov rcx,qword ptr [rsi] d9e0e714 mov rax,qword ptr [rcx] d9e0e717 cmp qword ptr [rcx+8],rsi d9e0e71b jne nt!RtlEmptyAtomTable+0x135 (fffff803`d9e0e7c5) nt!RtlEmptyAtomTable+0x91: d9e0e721 cmp qword ptr [rax+8],rcx d9e0e725 jne nt!RtlEmptyAtomTable+0x135 (fffff803`d9e0e7c5) nt!RtlEmptyAtomTable+0x9b: d9e0e72b mov qword ptr [rsi],rax d9e0e72e mov qword ptr [rax+8],rsi
This illustration shows the three list elements and where the links are set or referenced:
► RtlDestroyAtomTable
The following lines are RemoveHeadList
d9e94c6a mov rcx,qword ptr [r14] d9e94c6d mov rax,qword ptr [rcx] d9e94c70 cmp qword ptr [rcx+8],r14 d9e94c74 jne nt! ?? ::NNGAKEGL::`string'+0x50c4e (fffff803`d9e94c8e) nt! ?? ::NNGAKEGL::`string'+0x50c36: d9e94c76 cmp qword ptr [rax+8],rcx d9e94c7a jne nt! ?? ::NNGAKEGL::`string'+0x50c4e (fffff803`d9e94c8e) nt! ?? ::NNGAKEGL::`string'+0x50c3c: d9e94c7c mov qword ptr [r14],rax d9e94c7f mov qword ptr [rax+8],r14
This illustration shows the three list elements and where the links are set or referenced:
► RtlpFreeAllAtom
The following lines are RemoveHeadList
nt!RtlpFreeAllAtom+0x7b: d98be7fb mov rcx,qword ptr [rbx] d98be7fe mov rax,qword ptr [rcx] d98be801 cmp qword ptr [rcx+8],rbx d98be805 jne nt!RtlpFreeAllAtom+0x9b (fffff803`d98be81b) nt!RtlpFreeAllAtom+0x87: d98be807 cmp qword ptr [rax+8],rcx d98be80b jne nt!RtlpFreeAllAtom+0x9b (fffff803`d98be81b) nt!RtlpFreeAllAtom+0x8d: d98be80d mov qword ptr [rbx],rax d98be810 mov qword ptr [rax+8],rbx
This illustration shows the three list elements and where the links are set or referenced:
Exercise 5
Problem Statement
Repeat the previous exercise for
in the following routines:BootApplicationPersistentDataProcess.asm
► BootApplicationPersistentDataProcess
Could not get the disassembly for this one: Flow analysis was incomplete, some code may be missing
► CmpCallCallBacks
The following lines are RemoveTailList
nt!CmpCallCallBacks+0x315: d9d61955 mov rbx,qword ptr [rsi+8] d9d61959 mov qword ptr [rsp+40h],rbx d9d6195e mov rax,qword ptr [rbx+8] d9d61962 cmp qword ptr [rbx],rsi d9d61965 jne nt! ?? ::NNGAKEGL::`string'+0x5770 (fffff803`d9e55efd) nt!CmpCallCallBacks+0x32b: d9d6196b cmp qword ptr [rax],rbx d9d6196e jne nt! ?? ::NNGAKEGL::`string'+0x5770 (fffff803`d9e55efd) nt!CmpCallCallBacks+0x334: d9d61974 mov qword ptr [rsi+8],rax d9d61978 mov qword ptr [rax],rsi
This illustration shows the three list elements and where the links are set or referenced:
► CmpDelayCloseWorker
The following lines are RemoveTailList
nt!CmpDelayCloseWorker+0x7a: d9c2f70a lea r8,[nt!CmpDelayedLRUListHead (fffff803`d9b6d8a0)] ... nt!CmpDelayCloseWorker+0xdb: d9c2f76b mov rcx,qword ptr [nt!CmpDelayedLRUListHead+0x8 (fffff803`d9b6d8a8)] d9c2f772 mov rdx,qword ptr [rcx+8] d9c2f776 lea r9,[rcx-0D8h] d9c2f77d cmp qword ptr [rcx],r8 d9c2f780 jne nt! ?? ::NNGAKEGL::`string'+0x966d (fffff803`d9e58c1f) nt!CmpDelayCloseWorker+0xf6: d9c2f786 cmp qword ptr [rdx],rcx d9c2f789 jne nt! ?? ::NNGAKEGL::`string'+0x966d (fffff803`d9e58c1f) nt!CmpDelayCloseWorker+0xff: d9c2f78f mov qword ptr [nt!CmpDelayedLRUListHead+0x8 (fffff803`d9b6d8a8)],rdx d9c2f796 mov qword ptr [rdx],r8
This illustration shows the three list elements and where the links are set or referenced:
► ObpCallPostOperationCallbacks
The following lines are RemoveTailList
nt!ObpCallPostOperationCallbacks+0x1f: d9dfd64b mov rsi,qword ptr [rdi+8] d9dfd64f mov rax,qword ptr [rsi+8] d9dfd653 cmp qword ptr [rsi],rdi d9dfd656 jne nt!ObpCallPostOperationCallbacks+0x7c (fffff803`d9dfd6a8) nt!ObpCallPostOperationCallbacks+0x2c: d9dfd658 cmp qword ptr [rax],rsi d9dfd65b jne nt!ObpCallPostOperationCallbacks+0x7c (fffff803`d9dfd6a8) nt!ObpCallPostOperationCallbacks+0x31: d9dfd65d mov qword ptr [rdi+8],rax d9dfd661 mov qword ptr [rax],rdi
This illustration shows the three list elements and where the links are set or referenced:
► RaspAddCacheEntry
The following lines are RemoveTailList
nt! ?? ::CIJCHKMG::`string'+0xee3: d9ef26b4 mov rax,qword ptr [rcx+8] d9ef26b8 mov rdx,qword ptr [rax+8] d9ef26bc cmp qword ptr [rax],rcx d9ef26bf jne nt! ?? ::CIJCHKMG::`string'+0xf04 (fffff803`d9ef26d5) nt! ?? ::CIJCHKMG::`string'+0xef0: d9ef26c1 cmp qword ptr [rdx],rax d9ef26c4 jne nt! ?? ::CIJCHKMG::`string'+0xf04 (fffff803`d9ef26d5) nt! ?? ::CIJCHKMG::`string'+0xef5: d9ef26c6 mov qword ptr [rcx+8],rdx d9ef26ca mov qword ptr [rdx],rcx
This illustration shows the three list elements and where the links are set or referenced: