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Kraken's two Domain Generation Algorithms

A side by side comparison of the DGAs

Kraken (also known as Oderoor or Bobax) was once a large, if not the largest, botnet. It was primarily used to send spam messages. Kraken features a Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA) which appeared in July 2007 and was first mentioned in 2008. This makes it one of the first ever widely used DGA.

The original DGA of Kraken is time-independent, i.e., a specific sample will at all times generate the same domains. There are various reports on how to determine the domains. Michael Ligh and Greg Sinclair showed how to use instrumented execution with Immunity debugger in their DEFCON 16 talk “Malware RCE: Debuggers and Decryptor Development” (skip to 18:24). The same method is also described in The Malware Analyst’s Cookbook, recipe 12-11 on page 476. This report by Damballa lists the domains for one parameterization of the DGA.

Much later — the first samples on Malwr are from 2003 — Kraken’s DGA changed. Probably recognizing the problem with generating the ever same domains, the authors added a time dependent input to the DGA. They also deviated from dynamic DNS providers and used four regular top level domains instead. A few samples, maybe from the transitional stage, still rely on the DDNS providers even with the new algorithm. Kraken infections with newer DGAs peaked in July 2014 (also see the list of samples in Section Samples).

The later version of Kraken’s DGA is much less reported on. Here is a analysis of the malware with the new domains. But neither the domains nor the domain generating algorithm are shown. For me, good enough grounds to look at both DGA in this short blog post. I’m aware that the DGA is irrelevant today, as Kraken is currently dead or inactive, but hopefully the post might still be interesting for the keen DGA historian.

Reverse Engineering

This section shows some reverse engineering insights of the DGA. Skip to Python Implementations to see reimplementations of the two algorithms.

Both the old and new version of the DGA have parameters that can change from sample to sample and cause disjoint sets of domains. I therefore looked at multiple samples to identify the variable parts of the DGA. For the old DGA I reversed two samples:

2012-09-04 03:44


2014-12-08 15:04

As far as the new version goes, I looked at these samples:

2013-08-05 04:16



All listed offsets are from the first sample respectively.

Pseudo Random Number Generator

Both Kraken’s DGA use a linear congruential generator (LCG) as pseudo random number generator (PRNG). The parameters are the same found in many rand() implementations:


The bits 23 to 8 are used, i.e., r/256 mod 32768.


The DGA of both versions first initializes the pseudo random number generator (PRNG). Two values are used to determine the seed of the PRNG:

  1. A running counter that starts at 0 and increases in steps of one (version 1) and one or two (version 2). In version 2 the increment depends on the outcome of the DNS response for the domain. The details of the counter are discussed in Section Domain Counter.
  2. Whether or not a list of hardcoded IPs could be contacted. These network connections are performed by hardcoded_success at offsets 001BE832 and 0x408D6C respectively in the following images. The routine returns True if the attempts were successful.

The following graph views are from the beginning of both DGAs. Both snippets initialize the random number — ecx in version 1 and ebx in version 2 — depending on the counter value and success of contact to hardcoded IPs. On left-hand side is the old version of the DGA, on the right-hand side the newer release (click to enlarge the images).

version 1version 2
DGA v1 step 1DGA v2 step 1

The hardcoded values -265273224 and 143803713 on the left, as well as -1FCFBF87h and 7924542h on the right might change from sample to sample. These parameters can be used to generate different sets of domains.

For the first version of the DGA, the snippet above boils down to the following, rather elaborate, formula:

d=counter2+1000015r={d(d+7)(d+12)/9+d(d+1)+csif success with hardcoded IPsd(d+2)(d+7)/9+d(3d+1)+cfotherwise

I found two different parameter sets. Notice that the changes are very subtle, only the first and last nibble vary:

version 1cscf
Seed a-0x0FCFBF880x8924541
Seed b-0x1FCFBF870x7924542

The second version uses a much simpler formula to initialize the random number:

d=counter2r=3d+{csif success with hardcoded IPscfotherwise

Again I found two parameter sets:

version 2cscf
Seed a2493831424938315
Seed b16000001600001

Notice that in both versions the counter input to the DGA is first divided by two. The Malware Analyst’s Cookbook (page 480) considers this as a flaw of the DGA:

There are two weaknesses in Kraken’s DGA that are worth mentioning: (…) Odd numbers cause Kraken’s algorithm to generate the same domain names as the even numbers that precede them. This effectively cuts the number of possible domains generated by the DGA in half.

Section Domain Counter explains why I think this is by design and not a flaw of the DGA.

Discarding (only version 2)

Next follows code that is only present in the new version of Kraken’s DGA. The code incorporates a timestamp, which is determined by making an HTTP request to a randomly picked, legitimate website. The date is extracted from the http date header of the response and converted to unix timestamp format. For the analysed samples, the domains used to determine the time are: yahoo.com, google.com, live.com, msn.com, aol.com, amazon.com, go.com, bbc.co.uk, cnn.com, news.com, download.com, weather.com, comcast.net, mozilla.com and hp.com. The timestamp sets the variable discards:

version 1version 2
not presentDiscards

The divisor is the number of seconds in a week, so only every 7 days the value discard changes.


The discard value, along with the current domain number, determines how many of the PRNG cycles are discarded:

version 1version 2
not presentDiscards

In Pseudocode this is:

discards = timestamp / 604800 + 2
IF domain_nr % 9 < 8
    IF domain_nr % 9 >= 6
        discards -= 1
    REPEAT discards TIMES
        r = rand(r)/256 % 32768

Notice that for every ninth domain discarding is skipped. Since the discards are the only time-dependent part of the DGA, those domains are invariants and prime targets for sinkholing.

Length of Random Domain

After the PRNG is initialized, the length of the random part of the domain is randomly picked. The two versions use almost the same algorithm:

version 1version 2
Length of Domain, version 1

Both versions first generate three random numbers (ri is the random number after initialization and, for the second version, discarding):


The first version uses the three random values to set the length as follows:


The second version works almost the same, apart from (a) the third random number being added rather than subtracted and (b) the minimum length bein 7 instead of 6:


This gives lengths between 6 and 11 characters for the first version, and 7 and 12 characters for the second version.

Building the Random Domain

Kraken uses straightforward calls to the random number generator to determine the characters of the random domain. All characters a-z are about equally likely picked. Both version use the exact same algorithm:

version 1version 2
Domain characters, version 1

In Pseudocode this is:

domain = ""
REPEAT domain_length TIMES
    r = rand(r)
    domain += (r/256 % 32768) % 26 + 'a'

Base Domain

The final step of the domain generation algorithm is to append the base domain. For the first version, these base domains are four dynamic DNS providers. A few of the samples with the second DGA version use the same DDNS providers, for the most part the base domains are regular top level domains though. Domains are picked one after another from a hard-coded list:

version 1version 2
Base Domain, version 1Base domain, version 2

The base domains are:

version 1, some version 2 samples
“dyndns.org” → “yi.org” → “dynserv.com” → “mooo.com” (Free DDNS Providers)
version 2
“com” → “net” → “tv” → “cc” (Top Level Domains)

Domain Counter

As seen above, both DGA take a running counter as input. The counter starts at zero. Instead of an upper bound, the counter is reset after 30 minutes of trying to contact the C&C servers. There is some wait time between contacting domains which I did not examine; the expected number of generated domains is therefore unknown to me.

version 1version 2
Counter reset, version 1Counter reset, version 2

The old DGA always increments the index by one, regardless of the call-home attempt for the generated domains. For version 2 things are a little more complicated; the DGA can increment the counter by one or two:

version 1version 2
Counter increment, version 1Counter increment, version 2

The counter in version 2 is incremented depending on the DNS response to the generated domain. The IP is compared to various hard-coded domains. For example:

0040AFB9 cmp     eax, 127           ; eax first tuple of IP
0040AFBC jz      short private_ip                
0040AFBE loc_40AFBE:                             
0040AFBE cmp     eax, 192
0040AFC3 jnz     short loc_40AFCD
0040AFC5 cmp     ecx, 168
0040AFCB jz      short private_ip                
0040AFCD loc_40AFCD:                             
0040AFCD cmp     eax, 172
0040AFD2 jnz     short loc_40AFDE
0040AFD4 cmp     ecx, 16           ; ecx second tuple of IP
0040AFD7 jl      short loc_40AFEB
0040AFD9 cmp     ecx, 31
0040AFDC jle     short private_ip                

All IPs from the following list are treated specially (I do not know why and get special treatments, maybe those were sinkholes in the past).

127.x.x.xreserved range
192.168.x.xreserved range - range
0.x.x.xincludes failed queries,, … , answers? Sandbox detection? in US in Canada

If the IP matches with one of above the subnets, the counter grows to the next multiple of two, i.e., even counters are increased by two, and odd counters are increased one.

Since inside the DGA routine, odd counters are rounded down to the same number as their previous (even) counters, every domain that returned an IP that was not in a “blacklisted” range will be checked twice. I, for one, don’t think that’s a flaw of the DGA, but a — overly complicated — way to recheck domains.

Algorithm and Samples

Python Implementations

Version 1

The following Python Code generates 1000 domains for a provided seed (either a or b). The code alternately generates domains for when the hardcoded IP callback failed and succeeded.

import time
from ctypes import c_int, c_uint
import argparse

def rand(r):
    t =  c_int(1103515245 * r + 12435).value
    return t

def crop(r):
    return (r // 256)  % 32768 

def dga(index, seed_set, temp_file=True):

    seeds = {'a': {'ex': -0x0FCFBF88, 'nex': 0x8924541}, 
            'b': {'ex': -0x1FCFBF87, 'nex': 0x7924542}}

    tlds = ["dyndns.org", "yi.org", "dynserv.com", "mooo.com"]
    domain_nr = int(index/2) + 1000015

    if temp_file:
        x = int(c_int(domain_nr*(domain_nr + 7)*(domain_nr+12)).value /9.0) 
        y = domain_nr*(domain_nr+1)
        r = c_int(x + y + seeds[seed_set]['ex']).value 
        x = int(c_int((domain_nr + 2)*(domain_nr + 7)*domain_nr).value/9.0)
        y = (domain_nr*3 + 1)*domain_nr
        r = c_int(x + y + seeds[seed_set]['nex']).value

    rands = 3*[0]
    for i in range(3):
        r = rand(r)
        rands[i] = crop(r)
    domain_length = (rands[0]*rands[1] - rands[2]) % 6 + 6
    domain = ""
    for i in range(domain_length):
        r = rand(r)
        ch = crop(r) % 26 + ord('a')
        domain += chr(ch)
    domain += "." + tlds[domain_nr % 4]
    return domain

def get_domains(nr, seed_set):
    domains = []
    for i in range(nr):
        for temp_file in range(2):
            domains.append(dga(i*2, seed_set, temp_file))
    return domains

if __name__=="__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-s', '--seed', choices=['a','b'], default='a')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    for domain in get_domains(1000, args.seed):

For example:

$ python dga_v1.py -s b

These are also the domains from The Malware Analyst’s Cookbook.

Version 2

The second DGA also takes the current date and top level set

import time
import argparse
from datetime import datetime

def rand(r):
    t =  (1103515245 * r + 12435) & 0xFFFFFFFF
    return t

def crop(r):
    return (r // 256)  % 32768 

def dga(index, date, seed_set, temp_file=True, tld_set_nr=1):
    tld_sets = {1: ["com", "net", "tv", "cc"],
                2: ["dyndns.org", "yi.org", "dynserv.com", "mooo.com"]}

    seeds = {'a': {'ex': 24938314 , 'nex': 24938315 }, 
            'b': {'ex': 1600000, 'nex': 1600001}}
    tlds = tld_sets[tld_set_nr] 

    domain_nr = int(index/2)
    if temp_file:
        r = 3*domain_nr + seeds[seed_set]['ex']
        r = 3*domain_nr + seeds[seed_set]['nex']

    discards = (int(time.mktime(date.timetuple())) - 1207000000) // 604800  + 2
    if domain_nr % 9 < 8:
        if domain_nr % 9 >= 6:
            discards -= 1
        for _ in range(discards):
            r = crop(rand(r))

    rands = 3*[0]
    for i in range(3):
        r = rand(r)
        rands[i] = crop(r)
    domain_length = (rands[0]*rands[1] + rands[2]) % 6 + 7
    domain = ""
    for i in range(domain_length):
        r = rand(r)
        ch = crop(r) % 26 + ord('a')
        domain += chr(ch)
    domain += "." + tlds[domain_nr % 4]
    return domain

def get_domains(nr, date, seed, tld_set):
    domains = []
    for i in range(nr):
        for temp_file in range(2):
            domains.append(dga(i*2, date, seed, temp_file, tld_set))
    return domains

if __name__=="__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-d", "--date", 
            help="date for which to generate domains")
    parser.add_argument("-t", "--tld", choices=[1,2], type=int,
            help="tld set", default=1)
    parser.add_argument('-s', '--seed', choices=['a','b'], default='a')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    if args.date:
        d = datetime.strptime(args.date, "%Y-%m-%d")
        d = datetime.now()
    for domain in get_domains(1000, d, args.seed, args.tld):

For example:

$ python dga_v2.py -d 2013-12-12 -t 1 -s a

You also find the code on my GitHub page.

Properties of the DGA

The properties of the two DGAs are:

version 1version 2
time dependentnoyes
granularity-1 week
domains per seed and dayvariable, as many as can be generated in 30 minutessee version 1
sequencesequentialsee version 1
wait time between domainsunknownsee version 1
top level domains.dyndns.org, yi.org, dynserv.com, mooo.comsome as version 1, but mostly com, .net, .tv, .cc
second level characterslower case a-zsee version 1
second level domain length6 to 117 to 12


The following table shows reports on malwr.com that contact at least one domain generated by the second version of Kraken’s DGA. Many samples seem to be downloader, e.g., Vobfus, and the domains are actually generated by the Kraken payload.

md5analysis datetldsMicrosoftKasperskySophos
04966960f3f5ed32ae479079a1bcf6e916 Jul. 20131A1Oderoor.gen!CEmail-Worm.Win32.Agent.fe2EncPk-DJ
f2ae73d866bb4edd14ee96cf74fbb42305 Aug. 20131AClean3Generic1Generic-S
c13abb6be8a1c7fc9b18c8fd0a9488b709 Oct. 20131A4Rimecud.A2Generic5Rimecud-DD
c13abb6be8a1c7fc9b18c8fd0a9488b710 Oct. 2013R1A3Rimecud.A2Generic4Rimecud-DD
1ec55311a564f8272d62ccb621a8b51322 Oct. 20131A3Sisron6Agent.hdqc1EncPk-CK
1ec55311a564f8272d62ccb621a8b51328 Nov. 2013R1A3Sisron5Agent.hdqc1EncPk-CK
1ec55311a564f8272d62ccb621a8b51318 Dec. 2013R1A3Sisron5Agent.hdqc1EncPk-CK
04966960f3f5ed32ae479079a1bcf6e924 Jan. 2014R2B0Oderoor.gen!C2Generic1EncPk-DJ
1ec55311a564f8272d62ccb621a8b51324 Jan. 2014R1A3Sisron5Agent.hdqc1EncPk-CK
1ec55311a564f8272d62ccb621a8b51325 Jan. 2014R1A3Sisron5Agent.hdqc1EncPk-CK
04966960f3f5ed32ae479079a1bcf6e927 Jan. 2014R2B0Oderoor.gen!C2Generic1EncPk-DJ
1ec55311a564f8272d62ccb621a8b51305 Feb. 2014R1A3Sisron5Agent.hdqc1EncPk-CK
1ec55311a564f8272d62ccb621a8b51313 Feb. 2014R1A3Sisron5Agent.hdqc1EncPk-CK
1ec55311a564f8272d62ccb621a8b51321 Feb. 2014R1A3Sisron5Agent.hdqc1EncPk-CK
c7ec51ac3b9d91a483f1860c3d965f1603 Mar. 20141AClean2Generic1Generic-S
c7ec51ac3b9d91a483f1860c3d965f1617 Mar. 2014R1A0Oderoor.M2Generic1Generic-S
c7ec51ac3b9d91a483f1860c3d965f1619 Mar. 2014R1A0Oderoor.M2Generic1Generic-S
c7ec51ac3b9d91a483f1860c3d965f1625 Mar. 2014R1A0Oderoor.M2Generic1Generic-S
c7ec51ac3b9d91a483f1860c3d965f1601 Apr. 2014R1A0Oderoor.M2Generic4Agent-AGLO
c7ec51ac3b9d91a483f1860c3d965f1622 Apr. 2014R1AClean5Agent.hegf4Agent-AGLO
c413f1a0738a3b475db2ed44aecbf3ba16 Jun. 20141A0Oderoor.M2Generic1EncPk-CK
0bfd909d651a11e3d3cdf5b091ee12a128 Jun. 20141A7Vobfus8Win32.Agent.agdmx1SillyFDC-S
15993254499407fd7cbe701be11106f101 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.ZV7Win32.Agent.ageop1SillyFDC-S
1598723f88c6432e8ceee68336a08b0101 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus7Win32.Agent.agcvt1VB-ALW
17d4b6b618f7576023dd3b983416a18001 Jul. 20141A6VobfusWorm.Win32.Vobfus.escx1VB-ALW
1bfac857a733ec498fc1efc0ebb6a23602 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.ZO7Win32.Agent.agcnq1VB-ALW
1cfb3882d79b42f2f881ea20cca0f78002 Jul. 20141A6VobfusWorm.Win32.Vobfus.esdv1VB-ALW
1e291e57c007acd5aecbcddd156c46e602 Jul. 20141A6VobfusWorm.Win32.Vobfus.escj1SillyFDC-S
1fafa36c436af003b28fd9d7befddf0102 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus7Win32.Agent.agerc1SillyFDC-S
20ff4c7b6265bc2b7e9b66bbfe4c8ee602 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.ZZWorm.Win32.Vobfus.esdw1VB-ALW
22a5ce2602e8a0f76e4ab1db713098c603 Jul. 20141A6VobfusWorm.Win32.Vobfus.esaj1VB-ALW
26e7996626da3fbf66b78c0b5969efc103 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.ZM7Win32.VBKrypt.urjq1VB-ALW
272577cdcd11389a4b95d5eae8f3c5b104 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.ZW7Win32.Agent.agexl1SillyFDC-S
27549feb774b058fde65bc3936a0bf3604 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus7Win32.Agent.agcvt1VB-ALW
2807aafab5a799ff261b3f614aecbf9104 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.ZCWorm.Win32.Vobfus.erwz1SillyFDC-AH
2812ce13236087c1a5b30f63ae33c7a004 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.ZW7Win32.Agent.agexl1SillyFDC-S
2825b9e636ad7a9304ea97981b68bf2004 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.YS7Win32.VBKrypt.uqif1SillyFDC-AH
292028779b7c4c2e525ccbad0e0f516104 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus7Win32.Agent.agere1SillyFDC-S
2bc4df2819c8983b1511814809c2c64104 Jul. 20141A6VobfusWorm.Win32.Vobfus.esdv1VB-ALW
28d89ceb348459fd7d1468e130b1a70604 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.ZDWorm.Win32.Vobfus.erxc1SillyFDC-AH
2c3b96ca3a18140dfcd42434f3e0302004 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.ZQWorm.Win32.Vobfus.erzx1VB-ALW
2c931871fef3b50c0bd2b4961419a31104 Jul. 20141A6VobfusWorm.Win32.Vobfus.esat1VB-ALW
2cae6bd4e939b318726eebb347db0a2604 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.ZW7Win32.Agent.agexl1SillyFDC-S
2cc5ad6770250338bd5844904fb1818104 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus7Win32.Agent.agcsv1VB-ALW
2d07ba427df9cd2c4af815015a48439104 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.YYWorm.Win32.Vobfus.ervr1SillyFDC-S
2d321324e9a28c834a750860122233c604 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus7Win32.Agent.agcvt1VB-ALW
2db1a991aea1664e3dcbc5e75e10813104 Jul. 20141A6VobfusWorm.Win32.Vobfus.erwv1Generic-S
2f2a752f96ecb251efdc275f0ec8ea8004 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.ZV?1SillyFDC-S
2fab042f7b482e8aa2c5ecd413f2eff105 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus7Win32.Agent.agcvt1VB-ALW
2fcae2e2a9ed2f36bd399c77da2470c605 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.ZW7Win32.Agent.agexl1SillyFDC-S
30cc569d95b4401aa0681b8e0129998105 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.YU??
30cf2bf448db73c75e153216d4cd4fc005 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus7Win32.VBKrypt.uron1SillyFDC-S
302471280652d2d1817757ef0f8ad65605 Jul. 20141A6VobfusWorm.Win32.Vobfus.esdv1VB-ALW
3127e3127a2a206a8dc6bc21f469338605 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.ZW7Win32.Agent.agexl1SillyFDC-S
33bf61ebeb41d157b45d3180d1f71b7605 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.ZN7Win32.VBKrypt.urkc1VB-ALW
33c739e7d6aa599c05ff9f94a576892105 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.ZR7Win32.Agent.agcpv1VB-ALW
32d5e945a82fb6fb511e7bdd32cf8c2105 Jul. 20141A6VobfusWorm.Win32.Vobfus.eseu1Generic-S
34defe58f6d305960fff8c295bd9b85105 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.ZW?1SillyFDC-S
383977446a2a42bd142770397426560606 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.ZW7Win32.Agent.agexl1SillyFDC-S
39408e199dd996cbe915c5c32261c49006 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.ZN7Win32.VBKrypt.urkc1VB-ALW
395df008604e98e228ed41ce67f213b106 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.ZV7Win32.Agent.ageop1SillyFDC-S
3d6d6bbe37b37be79c43dc6a7b052a4606 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus7Win32.Agent.agere1SillyFDC-S
38ab4d2cda29c4ba1346da4b85c8180006 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.ZW7Win32.Agent.agexl1SillyFDC-S
3ca13a5648d4f2573f28b3763833370106 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.YF7Win32.VBKrypt.uprs1SillyFDC-AH
3bc39b3af9f13317744fd0548503baa607 Jul. 20141A6Vobfus.YUWorm.Win32.Vobfus.erwm1VB-ALR
c413f1a0738a3b475db2ed44aecbf3ba30 Sep. 2014R1A0Oderoor.MClean1EncPk-CK
675d97e5cdd3b7e07c7945fa5398e59921 May. 20151A???

Prefixes: 0Backdoor:Win32/, 1Mal/, 2HEUR:Trojan.Win32., 3Trojan:Win32/, 4Troj/, 5Trojan-Downloader.Win32., 6Worm:Win32/, 7Trojan.

TLDS: A com, net, tv, cc. Bdyndns.org, yi.org, dynserv.com, mooo.com