cover image for post ' – san01suke's SomeCrypto~01' – san01suke's SomeCrypto~01

The author san01suke submitted three crackmes to on July 1st. This is my attempt to solve the first one, called SomeCrypto~01. You can view and download the crackme here. The short description simply says:

“Just solve this simple crackme”

− san01suke

The User Interace

The user interface has two input boxes that invite you to enter a name and a serial:
SomeCrypto_01_screenshot.png There are no buttons to validate the input; the crackme probably checks the input whenever the content of the text boxes changes or periodically with a timer event. There is no feedback when you enter a wrong name/serial combination.

Looking for the Good Boy Message

Let’s open the crackme in IDA and switch to the Strings subview with Shift+F12:
ida_strings.png The string Success looks promising, double click it to get to the definition in the source code:
ida_success_declaration.png Putting the cursor on the variable name and hitting X brings us to the only code location that references the success string:

.text:0040129D                 call    loc_401000
.text:004012A2                 add     esp, 4
.text:004012A5                 mov     byte_403270, al
.text:004012AA                 test    al, al
.text:004012AC                 jz      short loc_4012CA
.text:004012AE                 mov     ecx, [esp+100h+lpText]
.text:004012B2                 push    0               ; uType
.text:004012B4                 push    offset Caption  ; "Success"

Lines 4 and 5 check if al is zero and jump over the “Success” part if al is non zero. The register eax is probably set by the subroutine loc_401000, at least it is the common register to hold return values. So the task is to find name/serial combinations for which the subroutines loc_401000 does not return null.

A First Look at loc_401000

Double clicking the label loc_401000 brings us to the loc_401000 subroutine. Let’s have a quick look at the entire code before starting to analyze it in detail:

loc_401000:                             ; CODE XREF: DialogFunc+1CDp
.text:00401000                 push    ebp
.text:00401001                 mov     ebp, esp
.text:00401003                 mov     al, [ecx]
.text:00401005                 sub     esp, 20h
.text:00401008                 push    esi
.text:00401009                 xor     esi, esi
.text:0040100B                 test    al, al
.text:0040100D                 jz      loc_4010C6
.text:00401013                 lea     edx, [ebp-20h]
.text:00401016                 sub     edx, ecx
.text:00401018 loc_401018:                             ; CODE XREF: .text:00401032j
.text:00401018                 cmp     al, 61h
.text:0040101A                 jl      loc_4010C6
.text:00401020                 cmp     al, 7Ah
.text:00401022                 jg      loc_4010C6
.text:00401028                 mov     [edx+ecx], al
.text:0040102B                 mov     al, [ecx+1]
.text:0040102E                 inc     ecx
.text:0040102F                 inc     esi
.text:00401030                 test    al, al
.text:00401032                 jnz     short loc_401018
.text:00401034                 cmp     esi, 1Ah
.text:00401037                 jnz     loc_4010C6
.text:0040103D                 xor     eax, eax
.text:0040103F                 nop
.text:00401040 loc_401040:                             ; CODE XREF: .text:0040104Fj
.text:00401040                 mov     cl, byte_403010[eax]
.text:00401046                 mov     byte_403140[eax], cl
.text:0040104C                 inc     eax
.text:0040104D                 test    cl, cl
.text:0040104F                 jnz     short loc_401040
.text:00401051                 xor     ecx, ecx
.text:00401053                 cmp     byte_403140, cl
.text:00401059                 jz      short loc_401088
.text:0040105B                 jmp     short loc_401060
.text:0040105B ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0040105D                 align 10h
.text:00401060 loc_401060:                             ; CODE XREF: .text:0040105Bj
.text:00401060                                         ; .text:00401086j
.text:00401060                 mov     al, byte_403140[ecx]
.text:00401066                 cmp     al, 61h
.text:00401068                 jl      short loc_40107E
.text:0040106A                 cmp     al, 7Ah
.text:0040106C                 jg      short loc_40107E
.text:0040106E loc_40106E:                             ; DATA XREF: start:loc_4012D5w
.text:0040106E                 push    cs
.text:0040106F                 mov     esi, 5948AC0h
.text:00401074 loc_401074:                             ; CODE XREF: .text:loc_401074j
.text:00401074                 jg      short near ptr loc_401074+1
.text:00401074 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00401076                 dw 0FFFFh
.text:00401078 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00401078                 mov     byte_403140[ecx], dl
.text:0040107E loc_40107E:                             ; CODE XREF: .text:00401068j
.text:0040107E                                         ; .text:0040106Cj
.text:0040107E                 inc     ecx
.text:0040107F                 cmp     byte_403140[ecx], 0
.text:00401086                 jnz     short loc_401060
.text:00401088 loc_401088:                             ; CODE XREF: .text:00401059j
.text:00401088                 or      eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:0040108B                 mov     edx, offset byte_403140
.text:00401090                 test    ecx, ecx
.text:00401092                 jz      short loc_4010AD
.text:00401094 loc_401094:                             ; CODE XREF: .text:004010ABj
.text:00401094                 movzx   esi, byte ptr [edx]
.text:00401097                 xor     esi, eax
.text:00401099                 and     esi, 0FFh
.text:0040109F                 shr     eax, 8
.text:004010A2                 xor     eax, ds:dword_402058[esi*4]
.text:004010A9                 inc     edx
.text:004010AA                 dec     ecx
.text:004010AB                 jnz     short loc_401094
.text:004010AD loc_4010AD:                             ; CODE XREF: .text:00401092j
.text:004010AD                 not     eax
.text:004010AF                 cmp     eax, 0F891B218h
.text:004010B4                 jnz     short loc_4010C6
.text:004010B6                 mov     eax, [ebp+8]
.text:004010B9                 mov     dword ptr [eax], offset byte_403140
.text:004010BF                 mov     al, 1
.text:004010C1                 pop     esi
.text:004010C2                 mov     esp, ebp
.text:004010C4                 pop     ebp
.text:004010C5                 retn

The code isn’t overly long and looks reasonable. There’s one exception though in lines 56 to 58:

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00401076                 dw 0FFFFh
.text:00401078 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

IDA wasn’t able to convert these two bytes to code and displays it as data. So either the snippet has a data section inside the code, or the code is self-modifying. We will come to this later.

The Function Parameter

The first nine lines of the function are:

loc_401000:                             ; CODE XREF: DialogFunc+1CDp
.text:00401000                 push    ebp
.text:00401001                 mov     ebp, esp
.text:00401003                 mov     al, [ecx]
.text:00401005                 sub     esp, 20h
.text:00401008                 push    esi
.text:00401009                 xor     esi, esi
.text:0040100B                 test    al, al
.text:0040100D                 jz      loc_4010C6

After the standard function prologue we find a reference to register ecx. Since the register wasn’t set within the subroutine, it must be a function argument. If we go back to the caller we see that ecx holds the address esp+104h+var_80. This address is also used as the lpString argument to the GetDlgItemTextA call (line 5):

.text:00401281                 lea     edx, [esp+104h+var_80]
.text:00401288                 push    edx             ; lpString
.text:00401289                 push    3EAh            ; nIDDlgItem
.text:0040128E                 push    esi             ; hDlg
.text:0040128F                 call    edi ; GetDlgItemTextA
.text:00401291                 lea     eax, [esp+100h+lpText]
.text:00401295                 push    eax
.text:00401296                 lea     ecx, [esp+104h+var_80]
.text:0040129D                 call    loc_401000

So ecx points to either the name or serial. Which one it is can be determined with OllyDbg. Set a breakpoint at 0040128F, then run the executable and inspect the ecx register:


So ecx points to the serial. The subroutine loc_401000 then creates a stack frame for local variables in line 5. After that it checks whether the first character of the serial number is 0, i.e., if the serial number is an empty string. If the serial is empty, the subroutine jumps to loc_4010C6 and returns 0 (which means we failed). Let’s continue assuming the serial is a non empty string.

Valid Serial Characters

These are the next few lines of the subroutine:

.text:00401013                 lea     edx, [ebp-20h]
.text:00401016                 sub     edx, ecx
.text:00401018 loc_401018:                             ; CODE XREF: .text:00401032j
.text:00401018                 cmp     al, 61h
.text:0040101A                 jl      loc_4010C6
.text:00401020                 cmp     al, 7Ah
.text:00401022                 jg      loc_4010C6
.text:00401028                 mov     [edx+ecx], al
.text:0040102B                 mov     al, [ecx+1]
.text:0040102E                 inc     ecx
.text:0040102F                 inc     esi
.text:00401030                 test    al, al
.text:00401032                 jnz     short loc_401018

The code first loads the address of the beginning of the stack frame to edx, and then subtracts ecx. After that follow two comparisons of al with constants 61h and 7Ah. The register al was set in line 4 (mov al, [ecx]) and holds the first character of the serial. The two constants are the ASCII codes for a and z respectively. So the two checks make sure that the character in al is one of the 26 lowercase letters. If not, the code jumps loc_4010C6 which we already know returns 0 (failure). After the two checks, the code copies the character in al to [edx+ecx] (line 18). From lines 10 and 11 we know that this memory location is in fact [ebp-20h]. Line 19 loads the next character from the serial, and line 20 sets the pointer ecx to this character. Line 21 increments esi which was set to 0 in line 7. Line 22 is a check to see if the character is the null-byte. If not, the code jumps back to loc_401018 for a next iteration. The snippet implements the loop:

char serial_copy[32] // in [ebp-20h]
esi = 0
    c = serial[esi]
    IF NOT 'a' <= c <= 'z' THEN
        RETURN 0 // failure
    serial_copy[esi] = c
    esi += 1
WHILE c != '\0'

To summarize: the snippet copies the serial to [ebp-20h]. It also makes sure that the serial only contains lower case characters.

Valid Serial Length

These lines come next:

.text:00401034                 cmp     esi, 1Ah
.text:00401037                 jnz     loc_4010C6

The first line compares esi to 1Ah = 26. The register esi holds the index of the null byte into the serial string, which corresponds to the length of the string. So the snippet checks if the serial has exactly 26 letters. If it doesn’t, the snippet jumps to the well known failure location loc_4010C6:

IF len(serial) != 26 THEN
        RETURN 0 // failure

Copy String byte_403010 to byte_403140

The next lines are easy to decompile:

.text:0040103D                 xor     eax, eax
.text:0040103F                 nop
.text:00401040 loc_401040:                             ; CODE XREF: .text:0040104Fj
.text:00401040                 mov     cl, byte_403010[eax]
.text:00401046                 mov     byte_403140[eax], cl
.text:0040104C                 inc     eax
.text:0040104D                 test    cl, cl
.text:0040104F                 jnz     short loc_401040
.text:00401051                 xor     ecx, ecx
.text:00401053                 cmp     byte_403140, cl
.text:00401059                 jz      short loc_401088

The snippet simply copies the null-terminated string in byte_403010 to byte_403140. Lines 36 and 37 also check if the first character in byte_403140 is a null byte, i.e., if the string is empty. If it is, then the code jumps to loc_401088. Since byte_403140 is hard coded and is not a null byte, we can assume the jump is not taken. This is the pseudo-code for the snippet:

STRCPY(byte_403140, byte_403010) // copy string byte_403010 to byte_403140
IF byte_403140[0] == '\0' THEN
    GOTO loc_401088 \\ should never happen

Check Character(s) in byte_403140

This snippet comes next:

.text:0040105B                 jmp     short loc_401060
.text:0040105B ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0040105D                 align 10h
.text:00401060 loc_401060:                             ; CODE XREF: .text:0040105Bj
.text:00401060                                         ; .text:00401086j
.text:00401060                 mov     al, byte_403140[ecx]
.text:00401066                 cmp     al, 61h
.text:00401068                 jl      short loc_40107E
.text:0040106A                 cmp     al, 7Ah
.text:0040106C                 jg      short loc_40107E

Register ecx was set to 0 in line 35. So al is the first character in byte_403140. Lines 45 to 48 check if it is a lower case character and jump to loc_40107E if not:

IF NOT 'a' <= byte_403140[ecx] <= 'z'  THEN
    GOTO loc_40107E

Substitution Cipher (Very Gently Obfuscated)

If the jump is not take, we continue with these very interesting lines:

.text:0040106E loc_40106E:                             ; DATA XREF: start:loc_4012D5w
.text:0040106E                 push    cs
.text:0040106F                 mov     esi, 5948AC0h
.text:00401074 loc_401074:                             ; CODE XREF: .text:loc_401074j
.text:00401074                 jg      short near ptr loc_401074+1
.text:00401074 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00401076                 dw 0FFFFh
.text:00401078 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00401078                 mov     byte_403140[ecx], dl

As noted before, the disassembly looks very odd:

  • push cs doesn’t make sense at this point
  • The constant in mov esi, 5948AC0h looks very arbitrary
  • The jump in jg short near ptr loc_401074+1 has an invalid target
  • The data section dw 0FFFFh is unexpected

So probably this part is modified during runtime to something more meaningful. A quick way to verify this is to set a breakpoint at .text:0040106E in OllyDbg and check how the code looks at runtime. Make sure you enter a valid serial (26 lower case characters), otherwise you won’t even arrive at the breakpoint:


This confirms that the code looks different during runtime. The same location before running the exe looks like this:


So bytes 0F BE C0 are changed to 0E BE C0 during runtime. Let’s set a breakpoint at 0040106E with “Memory, on write” to see which part of the code modifies the code. This is the location were the memory is modified:


The crackme uses a simple increment instruction to modify one byte inside our subroutine. Newer versions of IDA Pro allow you to patch the code to get the correct code:

.text:0040106E loc_40106E:                             ; DATA XREF: start:loc_4012D5w
.text:0040106E                 movsx   eax, al
.text:0040106F                 mov     dl, ebp[eax-81h]  
.text:00401078                 mov     byte_403140[ecx], dl

The memory location [ebp+eax-81h] looks strange at first. But we know that at [ebp-20h] there is a copy of our serial. So we can rewrite the location as serial_copy[eax - 61h]. Furthermore, 61h = 97 is the ASCII code of letter “a”, which leads to the following pseudo code:

// al = byte_403140[ecx]
dl = serial_copy[eax - 'a']

So dl holds the nth character of the serial, where n is 0 for eax = ‘a’, 1 for ‘b’, …, 26 for ‘z’. This also shows why the serial needs to have 26 characters: it serves as the key for a substitution cipher.

Wrapping up the Encryption Loop

The next couple of lines finish the encryption loop. The lines simply increase the index in ecx and loop back to loc_401060 if the next character in byte_403140 is not the null byte:

.text:0040107E loc_40107E:                             ; CODE XREF: .text:00401068j
.text:0040107E                                         ; .text:0040106Cj
.text:0040107E                 inc     ecx
.text:0040107F                 cmp     byte_403140[ecx], 0
.text:00401086                 jnz     short loc_401060

Here’s the entire decryption routine in pseudo code:

FOR i = 0 TO LEN(byte_403140) DO
    ch = byte_403140[i]
    IF 'a' <= ch <= 'z'  THEN
         byte_403140[i] = serial_copy[ch - 'a']

All characters in byte_403140 that are not lowercase letters are left alone. All lower case letters are replaced with the character from the serial at index n, where n is zero if the character is ‘a’, is 1 if the character is ‘b’, etc.

Hashing the Plaintext Message

The next lines look quite complicated:

00401088 loc_401088:                             ; CODE XREF: .text:00401059j
.text:00401088                 or      eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:0040108B                 mov     edx, offset byte_403140
.text:00401090                 test    ecx, ecx
.text:00401092                 jz      short loc_4010AD
.text:00401094 loc_401094:                             ; CODE XREF: .text:004010ABj
.text:00401094                 movzx   esi, byte ptr [edx]
.text:00401097                 xor     esi, eax
.text:00401099                 and     esi, 0FFh
.text:0040109F                 shr     eax, 8
.text:004010A2                 xor     eax, ds:dword_402058[esi*4]
.text:004010A9                 inc     edx
.text:004010AA                 dec     ecx
.text:004010AB                 jnz     short loc_401094
.text:004010AD loc_4010AD:                             ; CODE XREF: .text:00401092j
.text:004010AD                 not     eax
.text:004010AF                 cmp     eax, 0F891B218h
.text:004010B4                 jnz     short loc_4010C6
.text:004010B6                 mov     eax, [ebp+8]
.text:004010B9                 mov     dword ptr [eax], offset byte_403140
.text:004010BF                 mov     al, 1
.text:004010C1                 pop     esi
.text:004010C2                 mov     esp, ebp
.text:004010C4                 pop     ebp
.text:004010C5                 retn

What the lines basically do is to calculate a hash of the string in byte_403140 (the plaintext message). If the hash is equal to 0F891B218h (see line 85), then we get the success message, otherwise we get the failure code at loc_4010C6. We can only assume that the hash 0F891B218h is produced when the decryption leads to the correct plaintext.

Finding the Plaintext Message

It’s time to have a look at the string in byte_403010. The string is hardcoded and has the following value:

Ix lzctusdzetgc, ex n-fsb (nvfnujuvujsx-fsb) jn e fenjl lsatsxrxu sw ncaaruzjl qrc ehdszjugan pgjlg trzwszan nvfnujuvujsx. Ix fhslq ljtgrzn, ugrc ezr uctjlehhc vnrm us sfnlvzr ugr zrheujsxngjt fruprrx ugr qrc exm ugr

We know that all lowercase character in this strings stem from a simple substitution cipher. Entering the correct key as the serial should produce a meaningful plaintext and hopefully lead to the success message. Breaking substitution ciphers is pretty easy. I’m using the Python script break_simplesub from the Practical Cryptography webpage. The code uses a random optimization algorithm and the output varies each time you run the code. Here’s my output:

$ python 
Substitution Cipher solver, you may have to wait several iterations
for the correct result. Press ctrl+c to exit program.

best score so far: -1001.47696195 on iteration 1

best score so far: -996.55579631 on iteration 3

best score so far: -827.410210054 on iteration 9

The plaintext is not very readable because the script does not tackle special characters like spaces. However, you can clearly recognize meaningful text. The key to encrypt the message therefore EFLMRWDGJYQHAXSTOZNUVIPBCK. To decrypt it, we must enter the reverse of the key as the serial. The following Python script generates the decryption key, and also shows the resulting plaintext:

import string

crypt = """Ix lzctusdzetgc, ex n-fsb (nvfnujuvujsx-fsb) jn e fenjl lsatsxrxu sw 
ncaaruzjl qrc ehdszjugan pgjlg trzwszan nvfnujuvujsx. Ix fhslq ljtgrzn, ugrc 
ezr uctjlehhc vnrm us sfnlvzr ugr zrheujsxngjt fruprrx ugr qrc exm ugr 
ljtgrzurbu.""".replace('\n', '')

mapping = {}
for k, c in zip(key, string.lowercase): 
    mapping[k] = c

msg = ""
for c in crypt:
    msg += mapping.get(c, c)

print("the key is: {}".format(''.join([mapping[x] for x in string.lowercase])))
print("the plaintext is: {}".format(msg))

It produces the following output:

$ python 
the key is: mxygabhljizcdsqwkeoptufnvr
the plaintext is: In cryptography, an s-box (substitution-box) is a basic component of symmetric key algorithms which performs substitution. In block ciphers, they are typically used to obscure the relationship between the key and the ciphertext.

The message therefore is

In cryptography, an s-box (substitution-box) is a basic component of symmetric key algorithms which performs substitution. In block ciphers, they are typically used to obscure the relationship between the key and the ciphertext.

If you enter the serial mxygabhljizcdsqwkeoptufnvr to the crackme you should see the good boy message: