– KeygenMe #2 by Lesco
The crackme KeygenMe #2 by Lesco has been published August 12, 2006. It is still unsolved, despite the time elapsed. DeepBlue posted a link to a supposed keygen in the comments though, but the link does not work anymore. I think this is one of the better crackmes and worthy of a proper solution. The difficulty rating is “5 - Professional problem to solve”. The crackme is written in C/C++ and runs on Windows, the description reads:
This time you’ll have to solve a little math problem. I didn’t use any protectors and anti-debug stuff, since the focus of the crackme is the algorithm. The goal is to write a working keygen+explanation of the crackme.There’s only one rule: Don’t patch! Lesco
The first two sections of this solution show how to reverse engineer the two main parts of the code. The crackme does not use any anti-debug or anti-disassembly techniques and it is trivial to reverse considering the difficulty rating. The third section then shows how to solve the “little math problem”, and how to build a key generator.
At the heart of the crackme are two subroutines which I named validate
and evaluate
, the latter being called by validate
. The evaluate
subroutine transforms the serial into three values; the validate
does the same for the name and checks if the values correspond to the result of evaluate
Reversing “validate”
The validate
subroutine does essentially five things:
- It checks the length of the name.
- It converts the name to a 32bit hash.
- It chops the hash value into two vectors of three values each.
- It calls
for all elements of the first vector. - It compares the result of
to the second vector.
Checking the Length of the Name
The subroutine validate
gets the name as the first parameter, and the serial as the second. It returns 0 if the serial is invalid, and 1 if the serial is valid. The start of validate
disassembles to these lines:
00401320 validate proc near
00401320 var_3C= qword ptr -3Ch
00401320 y= dword ptr -24h
00401320 x= dword ptr -18h
00401320 result= qword ptr -0Ch
00401320 var_4= dword ptr -4
00401320 name= dword ptr 8
00401320 serial= dword ptr 0Ch
00401320 push ebp
00401321 mov ebp, esp
00401323 sub esp, 24h
00401326 push ebx
00401327 mov ebx, [ebp+name]
0040132A push esi
0040132B push edi
0040132C mov edi, ebx
0040132E or ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh
00401331 xor eax, eax
00401333 repne scasb
00401335 not ecx
00401337 dec ecx
00401338 mov [ebp+name], ecx
0040133B lea ecx, [ebp+name]
00401341 mov eax, [ecx]
00401343 imul eax, 0DEADh
00401349 lea esi, [ebp+var_4]
0040134F mov [esi], eax
00401351 mov eax, [ebp+var_4]
00401354 cmp eax, 29C07h
00401359 jnb short loc_401364
0040135B pop edi
0040135C pop esi
0040135D xor al, al
0040135F pop ebx
00401360 mov esp, ebp
00401362 pop ebp
00401363 retn
00401364 loc_401364:
00401364 cmp eax, 116584h
00401369 jbe short loc_401374
0040136B pop edi
0040136C pop esi
0040136D xor al, al
0040136F pop ebx
00401370 mov esp, ebp
00401372 pop ebp
00401373 retn
The snippet checks:
if 57005 * strlen(name) < 0x29C07 or 57005 * strlen(name) > 0x116584:
return 0 # you fail
# continue
which of course is
if 3 <= strlen(name) <= 20:
# continue
return 0 # you fail
Hashing the Name
Next follows this loop:
00401374 loc_401374:
00401374 mov esi, [ebp+name]
00401377 xor edx, edx
00401379 test esi, esi
0040137B mov eax, 0DEADCA7h
00401380 jle short loc_4013B0
00401382 loc_401382:
00401382 mov cl, [edx+ebx]
00401385 and ecx, 0FFh
0040138B mov edi, ecx
0040138D mov [ebp+var_4], ecx
00401390 imul edi, 0F28437h
00401396 xor edi, eax
00401398 mov eax, ecx
0040139A imul ecx, 0D23664h
004013A0 shr eax, 2
004013A3 add edi, eax
004013A5 not edi
004013A7 sub edi, ecx
004013A9 inc edx
004013AA cmp edx, esi
004013AC mov eax, edi
004013AE jl short loc_401382
These lines compute a 32bit hash value of the name:
h = 0xdeadca7
for n in name:
h = ( ~((n >> 2) + (h ^ 0xf28437*n)) - 0xd23664*n ) & 0xFFFFFFFF
The computation looks reasonably complicated, so let’s just assume we have to deal with random 32bit numbers as input.
Chopping the Hash into 6 Values
The name hash (in eax
) is then split into 6 values, which are stored in two vectors of three elements each. I named the first vector x
, and the second y
004013B0 loc_4013B0:
004013B0 xor ebx, ebx
004013B2 xor esi, esi
004013B4 loc_4013B4:
004013B4 mov ecx, eax
004013B6 and ecx, 0Fh
004013B9 shr eax, 4
004013BC inc ecx
004013BD test al, 1
004013BF mov [ebp+esi+x], ecx
004013C3 jz short loc_4013CD
004013C5 mov edx, ecx
004013C7 neg edx
004013C9 mov [ebp+esi+x], edx
004013CD loc_4013CD:
004013CD shr eax, 1
004013CF mov ecx, eax
004013D1 and ecx, 0Fh
004013D4 shr eax, 4
004013D7 inc ecx
004013D8 test al, 1
004013DA mov [ebp+esi+y], ecx
004013DE jz short loc_4013E8
004013E0 mov edx, ecx
004013E2 neg edx
004013E4 mov [ebp+esi+y], edx
004013E8 loc_4013E8:
004013E8 shr eax, 1
004013EA test esi, esi
004013EC jle short loc_401404
004013EE lea ecx, [ebp+x]
004013F1 mov edi, ebx
004013F3 loc_4013F3:
004013F3 mov edx, [ecx]
004013F5 cmp edx, [ebp+esi+x]
004013F9 jnz short loc_4013FE
004013FB inc edx
004013FC mov [ecx], edx
004013FE loc_4013FE:
004013FE add ecx, 4
00401401 dec edi
00401402 jnz short loc_4013F3
00401404 loc_401404:
00401404 add esi, 4
00401407 inc ebx
00401408 cmp esi, 0Ch
0040140B jl short loc_4013B4
This code uses 5 bits per value. The first four bits are used for the absolute value; The fifth and most significant bit is the sign. The following image illustrates which parts of the hash will be used for which vector element:
29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
|S | y_3 |S | x_3 |S | y_2 |S | x_2 |S | y_1 |S | x_1 |
^ sign y_3 ^ sign x_3 ^ sign y_2 ^ sign x_2 ^ sign y_1 ^ sign x_1
The code also adds 1 to each absolute value, and it makes sure all three values x_1
, x_2
, and x_3
are different. Here is the pseudo-code of the snippet:
h = hash_name(name)
x, y = [], []
for i in range(6):
val = (h & 0xF) + 1
if h & 0x10:
val *= -1;
if not i%2:
if i%2:
for j in range(i//2):
if x[j] == x[i//2]:
x[j] += 1
h = h >> 5;
Calling “evaluate”
After the crackme has built the two vectors x and y, it calls the subroutine evaluate
three times for each of the three elements of x:
0040140D mov edi, [ebp+serial]
00401410 xor esi, esi
00401412 loc_401412:
00401412 fild [ebp+esi+x]
00401416 lea eax, [ebp+f]
00401419 push eax ; f
0040141A sub esp, 8
0040141D fstp [esp+3Ch+var_3C] ; x_i
00401420 push edi ; serial
00401421 call evaluate
from this snippet we see the function prototype of evaluate
int evaluate(char* serial, double x_i, double* f)
where serial
is a pointer to the entered serial string, x_i
is the ith value of vector x, and f is a pointer to a double that will receive the result of evaluate
. The function returns 0 if there was an error evaluating the serial, and non-zero value otherwise.
Checking the Result of “evaluate”
For each of the three calls to evaluate
, the crackme checks if evaluate
was successful and returns 0 otherwise.
00401421 call evaluate
00401426 add esp, 10h
00401429 test al, al
0040142B jz short fail
If on the other hand, the return value of evaluate
is non-zero, the result in [ebp+f]
is compared to the values in vector y:
0040142D fild [ebp+esi+y]
00401431 fld [ebp+f]
00401434 fld st(1)
00401436 fadd ds:c_0_01
0040143C fld st(1)
0040143E fcompp
00401440 fnstsw ax
00401442 test ah, 'A'
00401445 jz short fail2
00401447 fxch st(1)
00401449 fsub ds:c_0_01
0040144F fxch st(1)
00401451 fcompp
00401453 fnstsw ax
00401455 test ah, 1
00401458 jnz short fail
0040145A add esi, 4
0040145D cmp esi, 0Ch
00401460 jl short loc_401412
The result of evaluate
only needs to be with +- 0.01 of yi to be accepted. Let e denote the subroutine evaluate, and let s be the serial. Also, let x = (x1, x2, x3) denote the vector x, and y = (y1, y2, y3) the vector y. Then the validate
routine checks the following math equation
$$ \begin{equation} \forall_{i \in {1,2,3}} \left| e(s, x_i) - y_i \right| \leq 0.01 \end{equation} $$
Reversing “evaluate”
So all boils down to the magic function e, represented by the subroutine evaluate
. The disassembly for evaluate
is rather long, featuring a lot of conditionals. Fortunately, there are many tell-tale comparisons to constants that show us the meaning of the subroutine. I gradually reversed evaluate
based on the constants.
Numbers in Scientific Form
The first interesting comparisons compare characters of the serial to “0”, “9”, “-”, “.”, “e” and “E”. We find these comparisons at various locations throughout evaluate
, for example:
00401090 mov al, [esi+ecx]
00401093 cmp al, '9'
00401095 jg short loc_40109B
00401097 cmp al, '0'
00401099 jge short loc_4010AB
0040109B loc_40109B:
0040109B cmp al, '.'
0040109D jz short loc_4010AB
0040109F cmp al, 'e'
004010A1 jz short loc_4010AB
004010A3 cmp al, 'E'
004010A5 jz short loc_4010AB
004010A7 cmp al, '-'
004010A9 jnz short loc_4010C2
These character constants hint at scientific numbers: the routine evaluate
interprets the serial string as a scientific number. We can easily test this hypothesis by entering -1.2345e2
as the serial and checking the result of top of the FPU register stack after this instruction:
00401431 fld [ebp+f]
The value of ST0
should be -123.45. So evaluate
correctly parses numbers in scientific form. But evaluate
has more features.
Mathematical Expressions
Towards the end of evaluate
we find the following interesting switch statement:
00401225 cmp eax, 3Ch ; switch 61 cases
00401228 ja loc_4012B9 ; jumptable 00401236 default case
0040122E xor ecx, ecx
00401230 mov cl, ds:byte_4012DC[eax]
00401236 jmp ds:off_4012C4[ecx*4] ; switch jump
0040123D ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
0040123D loc_40123D: ; CODE XREF: evaluate+236j
0040123D ; DATA XREF: .text:off_4012C4o
0040123D fld [esp+30h+var_8] ; jumptable 00401236 case 1
00401241 fcomp ds:const_2_0
00401247 fnstsw ax
00401249 test ah, 41h
0040124C jz short loc_4012B9 ; jumptable 00401236 default case
0040124E fld [esp+30h+var_10]
00401252 fld [esp+30h+var_8]
00401256 call __CIpow
0040125B jmp short loc_401283
0040125D ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
0040125D loc_40125D: ; CODE XREF: evaluate+236j
0040125D ; DATA XREF: .text:off_4012C4o
0040125D fld [esp+30h+var_8] ; jumptable 00401236 case 0
00401261 fadd [esp+30h+var_10]
00401265 jmp short loc_401283
00401267 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00401267 loc_401267: ; CODE XREF: evaluate+236j
00401267 ; DATA XREF: .text:off_4012C4o
00401267 fld [esp+30h+var_10] ; jumptable 00401236 case 60
0040126B fsub [esp+30h+var_8]
0040126F jmp short loc_401283
00401271 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00401271 loc_401271: ; CODE XREF: evaluate+236j
00401271 ; DATA XREF: .text:off_4012C4o
00401271 fld [esp+30h+var_8] ; jumptable 00401236 case 28
00401275 fmul [esp+30h+var_10]
00401279 jmp short loc_401283
0040127B ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
0040127B loc_40127B: ; CODE XREF: evaluate+236j
0040127B ; DATA XREF: .text:off_4012C4o
0040127B fld [esp+30h+var_10] ; jumptable 00401236 case 3
0040127F fdiv [esp+30h+var_8]
We see the arithmetic instructions fadd, fsub, fmul, and fdiv, as well as a call to the library function pow. In C pseudo code the switch statement is:
switch ( operation )
case '$':
if ( op2 > 2.0 )
return 0;
f = pow(op1, op2);
case '#':
f = op1 + op2;
case '_':
f = op1 - op2;
case '?':
f = op1 * op2;
case '&':
f = op1 / op2;
return 0;
So evaluate
can handle five math operations. The symbols it uses are non standard, the following table summarizes them:
Symbol | Meaning |
$ | Exponentiation (limited!) |
# | Addition |
_ | Subtraction |
? | Multiplication |
& | Division |
The evaluate
routine won’t follow the usual order of operations, e.g., multiplication before addition, but instead just evaluates the serial left to right. For example:
is evaluated to (3+2)/7 = 0.7142. So how do we group expression?
At multiple points we see comparisons to “[” and “]”:
004010F3 cmp al, '['
004010F5 jnz short loc_4010FA
004010F7 inc ecx
004010F8 jmp short loc_4010FF
004010FA ; -------------------------------------
004010FA loc_4010FA:
004010FA cmp al, ']'
Also, there are recursive calls to evaluate
0040114F mov edx, [ebp+high_32]
00401152 mov eax, [ebp+low_32]
00401155 lea ecx, [esp+30h+var_8]
00401159 push ecx
0040115A push edx
0040115B push eax
0040115C push edi
0040115D call evaluate
This indicates that evaluate
supports grouping of expressions inside “[” and “]”. So
is evaluated as 7(3-1) = 14.
So far we know that evaluate
can calculate mathematical expression. Numbers can be written in scientific form, expressions can be grouped with brackets, and five operations are supported. But why does evaluate
also take xi as an argument?
Variable x
There is one more interesting comparison to a constant that we have not covered yet:
004011B0 cmp al, 'X'
All instances of “X” inside the serial will be replaced with the value of xi. For example,
serial: X$2
x: (1,2,3)
will be evaluated to 1, 4, and 9. This concludes the functionalities of evaluate
. To summarize, the routine interprets a mathematical expression represented by the serial. The next section shows how to chose a valid mathematical expression for a given name.
Solving the Little Math Problem
Let fs denote the function represented by the serial s. Form the previous section we know that fs can contain multiplication, division, addition, subtraction and exponentiation. We also know that we need:
$$ \begin{equation} f_s(x) = \begin{cases}y_1 \pm 0.01 & x = x_1 \\ y_2 \pm 0.01 & x = x_2 \\ y_3 \pm 0.01 & x = x_3 \\ ? & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{equation} $$
where “?” denotes don’t care — the function f is only ever evaluated for x1, x2, and x3. So how do we get the function fs to evaluate to y1 when x = x1, to y2 when x = x2 and to y3 when x = x3? What we need is an indicator function I— a function that becomes 1 when x has a certain value and 0 otherwise:
$$ I_{y}(x) = \begin{cases} 1 & x = y\\ 0 & \text{otherwise}\end{cases} $$
Given such an indicator function I, we can easily build our function f:
$$ f(x) := I_{x_1}(x)\cdot y_1 + I_{x_2}(x)\cdot y_2 + I_{x_3}(x)\cdot y_3 $$
The indicator function that came to my mind is:
$$ I_{y}(x) := 0^{|x-y|} $$
It works because 00 is 1 by definition, and 0k is 0 for any non-zero positive value k. Because we don’t have abs
availabe, I went with squaring the difference:
$$ I_{y}(x) := 0^{(x-y)^2} $$
Unfortunately, that still won’t quite work because of a limitation of the exponentiation routine in evaluate
that I did not mention before:
0040123D fld [esp+30h+var_8] ; jumptable 00401236 case 1
00401241 fcomp ds:const_2_0
00401247 fnstsw ax
00401249 test ah, 41h
0040124C jz short loc_4012B9 ; jumptable 00401236 default case
0040124E fld [esp+30h+var_10]
00401252 fld [esp+30h+var_8]
00401256 call __CIpow
which is
if ( op2 > 2.0 )
return 0;
f = pow(op1, op2);
So all exponents greater than 2 will cause evaluate
to fail. However, we can easily fix this: from reversing the code we know that all xi and yi are between -16 and 18. Therefore
$$ (x_i - y_i)^2 < 40^2 = 1600 $$
So by dividing our exponent by 800, we can guarantee it is smaller than 2 without otherwise affecting our indicator function. Our final version therefore is:
$$ I_{y}(x) := 0^{\frac{(x-y)^2}{800}} $$
All we need to do now is translate
$$ f(x) := 0^{\frac{(x_1-y_1)^2}{800}}\cdot y_1 + 0^{\frac{(x_2-y_2)^2}{800}}\cdot y_2 + 0^{\frac{(x_3-y_3)^2}{800}}\cdot y_3 $$
to a serial string. Just make sure to set enough brackets; negative numbers for instance need to be surrounded by brackets - otherwise the minus sign will be interpreted as subtraction. My code also changes double negatives to plus, so instead of 3-(-4) I calculate 3+4. The following Python code generates serial strings for arbitrary names:
import argparse
def hash_name(name):
h = 0xdeadca7
for n in [ord(x) for x in name]:
h = ( ~((n >> 2) + (h ^ 0xf28437*n)) - 0xd23664*n ) & 0xFFFFFFFF
return h
def name_to_values(name):
h = hash_name(name)
x, y = [], []
for i in range(6):
val = (h & 0xF) + 1
if h & 0x10:
val *= -1;
if not i%2:
if i%2:
for j in range(i//2):
if x[j] == x[i//2]:
x[j] += 1
h = h >> 5;
return x, y
def keygen(name):
if not 3 <= len(name) <= 20:
return "name needs to be 3 to 20 characters long"
x, y = name_to_values(name)
serial_comp = []
for xx, yy in zip(x, y):
sign = "_" if xx >= 0 else "#"
serial_comp.append("[0$[X{}{}$2&800]?[{}]]".format(sign,abs(xx), yy))
return "#".join(serial_comp)
if __name__=="__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()
For example:
$ python deadcat7
Archived Comments
Note: I removed the Disqus integration in an effort to cut down on bloat. The following comments were retrieved with the export functionality of Disqus. If you have comments, please reach out to me by Twitter or email.